Hey kids! Let’s get ready to learn about the five senses… repeat after me!
Seeing! (Seeing!)
Smelling! (Smelling!)
Hearing (Hearing!)
Taste! (Taste!)
And touch! (Touch!)
Alright, it’s time to learn all about the senses. Are you guys ready? (Yeah!)
Pizza is something you can taste (I can taste)
And you can also feel it with your face (with my face)
You smell the good aroma through your nose (through my nose)
And see those lovely cheeses with your eyes (the flavor shows!)
You hear the pepperoni sizzlin’ hot (sizzlin’ hot)
Now sing it with everything you’ve got…
I can taste (I can taste)
I can smell (I can smell)
I can feel with my hands very well
I can hear (I can hear)
Very loud (very loud)
I can see you in front of me right now!
Sing woh oh oh, Who oh oh oh
Who oh oh, The five senses…
Woh oh oh, Woh oh oh oh
Sing about the five senses!
Great job, kids! That was awesome! Let’s say the five senses all over again.
Are you ready? (Yeah!)
Seeing! (Seeing!)
Smelling! (Smelling!)
Hearing (Hearing!)
Taste! (Taste!)
And touch! (Touch!)
Did you know that animals also use their five senses to learn about the world around them? Alright, here we go!
Butterflies taste with their feet (with their feet)
And beetles they smell with their antennae (their antennae)
Cats they feel with their whiskers (with their whiskers)
Crickets and kaytdids hear with their legs
Spiders (ew!) they see with many eyes
They have six, that’s four more than you (my oh my!)
I’m so thankful for my senses (so thankful for my senses)
Let’s go through them again, now sing along…
I can taste (I can taste)
I can smell (I can smell)
I can feel with my hands very well
I can hear (I can hear)
Very loud (very loud)
I can see you in front of me right now!
Sing woh oh oh, Who oh oh oh
Who oh oh, The five senses…
Woh oh oh, Woh oh oh oh
Sing about the five senses!
Sing woh oh oh, Who oh oh oh
Who oh oh, The five senses…
Woh oh oh, Woh oh oh oh
Sing about the five senses!